Light of Agate (PART I)

This is a myth that has been transformed and it represents a creative accomplishment of the author. Although it is based on the old Roman myth, a different story will unveil here, one that unravels according to wishes of the author, and perhaps  some of the readers. It’s a story about love … He was… Continue reading Light of Agate (PART I)

Five things to know about gemstones (Part V)

5. How gem value is calculated   Now we can say we have a better understanding on what are gems, and what traits they have. So now we can talk about the market value of jewels. One may ask why that is something we can consider as an important feature of the gem itself. The answer is… Continue reading Five things to know about gemstones (Part V)

Five things to know about gemstones (Part II)

2. What makes a gem, or what are its key qualities: I am often asked: “I have found a piece of beach glass stone, it is so beautiful. Is it a gem?” No. Or I am educated by others: “You know, gems are only valuable because they are rare….” No… Or others: “Why to bother,… Continue reading Five things to know about gemstones (Part II)

Five things to know about gemstones (Part I)

What you always wanted to ask about  gemstones, but you thought it as too expensive to ask or Five things to know about gemstones if you are a gemmology novice: It is quite impossible for me to be impartial and speak about precious stones. Around those “knick-knacks” my life revolves, it is my work, and my… Continue reading Five things to know about gemstones (Part I)

About RubyCharm jewellery store

This is a blog WordPress page of an unique jewellery brand and online shop called RubyCharm. We use beautiful natural gemstones when crafting our jewelry, we understand crystal influence and energy coming from their nature. For us, design, creation, choice of gemstones, and recognition of the jewellery nature, it it all very personal! Our every… Continue reading About RubyCharm jewellery store