Light of Agate (PART I)

This is a myth that has been transformed and it represents

a creative accomplishment of the author.

Although it is based on the old Roman myth,

a different story will unveil here, one that unravels

according to wishes of the author, and perhaps

 some of the readers. It’s a story about love …

He was a king of a small and in no way significant kingdom. It was a time before the Republic when the country was carved by many similar realms, forming a mosaic, like autumn leaves fallen and scattered on the forest floor. Many were envious of kings, any king, so many were envious of him too, but he had a lot of worries that plagued him day and night and because of which he was often tired and restless.

It’s not easy! – He often stated even though nobody believed him because everyone sees its own anguish as most taxing of all anguishes, to all their own burden seems most onerous of all burdens. What could to a king ever destroy contentment, who lived in opulence, never dreading hunger nor fearing how he will warm up at night? But it was necessary to secure crops, implement justice, (which often is not easy to fathom), save the land from so many friends and foes, and finally to provide for an extension of his blood and succession to the throne. Such a burden would be unbearable even for gods, let alone mere mortals, just walking the earth, briefly and so often without real aim.

The king had three daughters that he loved very much. Their mother was carried across the river Styx before she gave him a male heir, but he didn’t want another woman. He loved her for all eternity and waited for the time they will be welded back together. And so, despite its trials, this king was, in fact, a man that should be thought of as a blessed one, both in life and in death, that equally awaits kings and beggars. His life was dedicated to his daughters that every day more and more reminded him of their mother. And when ferryman Kharon comes to take him to his dearly loved wife, he will leave life behind and be happy again. Children gave him a precious life, and the woman waiting for him made death a grateful bound. So he was blessed by the happiness of rare copiousness that men are rarely aware of; so they want and search for more, but more often brings only less. The king wasn’t asking for more but was thankful to gods for what he had, and even for what he strived for. He just asked the gods not to be disturbed in following his purpose. But those are pleas that gods will seldom grant, so events began that threaten to change the king’s good fortune.

When his eldest daughter became nubile, an opportunity presented itself in a neighboring kingdom. She even fell in love with the fiery young prince, so she left her father’s home joyfully giving him a chance to count his blessings. Sound politics made both kings and kingdoms thrive, even father and daughter could rejoin from time to time as only one and a half days journey set them apart. The marriage was soon blessed with children, so the king felt happy as one man can be, and impatiently waited to tell his wife about their grandchildren. However, he was saddened by his daughter leaving the nest, so his hair became salt and pepper. Nestling never leaves the nest without carrying away part of garland that cannot be replaced.

But the second daughter married to a patrician from distant lands, and the king dreaded he will never see her again. So many advantages this marriage brought to the homeland, but when she departed and wept, the king was oblivious to all those benefits. His head turned gray over night, and he fell in early and white old age that made his step slow as one passing through mountain snows.

His old age was made bearable only by his youngest daughter and best-loved, Psyche. Her marriage the king pigeonholed deep, frightened to be left alone to the rest of his days. Senectitude made him selfish, as much he loved his daughter Psyche and only the best desired for her. In these controversies life went on for Psyche and her father.

Continue reading this story>>

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